Just my two cents worth

Vinh Giang Vinh Giang

My mum and dad, my real life super hero's

Mum and Dad Aka Super Hero's

Mum and Dad Aka Super Hero's

One of my biggest dreams was to buy a beautiful home for my parents. My parents are the main reason that I am where I am today, when I was younger and I wanted to be an Entrepreneur, everyone in my small community looked down on me. Everyone thought I was being foolish pursuing what I loved, I was told constantly that I should pursue a stable job and even though I wasn’t passionate about it, it was the right thing to do. My mother and father on the other hand pushed me in the other direction, they always said to me “Just do what you love son, we’ll be your safety net and stepping stone. If you fall we’ll catch you”. They sure did catch me, I failed in business so many times since the age of 14, however they have never stopped supporting me.

My love for my family is unconditional and this week I have finally purchased my family the home that they have always deserved. Ironically this was all made possible because I am now doing something that I am 1000% passionate about and love! I still have moments where I am on the plane and I just simply can not believe that I am doing what I am doing. I love my job so much and now it’s given me the ability to provide such wonderful things for my family, I can’t wish for anything more. Thank you to all the people who I have crossed paths with in my life who has supported me and pushed me along when times were tough. There’s nothing special about me but there’s something very special about the support from family and friends and with this love and support anything is possible in life.

Quote of the week:

“I honestly think it’s better to be a failure at what we love rather than be successful at what we hate.”

– George Burns

Mum and dads new home!

Mum and dads new home!

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